What brought me here?




Ever since I was a child, art has been what made me shine. Art is my love. My home. Today as a user experience designer art is what motivates me to find solutions for users. It allows me to explore in-depth, to know the power of aesthetics, to influence the user experience, and thus leads me to design elegant and usable interfaces.

my place

I have completed my B.A in Tel Aviv University as part of the Honor Program in Art History. Before I went on to do my master degree I took a break from academy and took an enrichment course - there I fell in love with UI UX.

I put aside my master's degree (for now) and went to study design and trained as a graphic designer at Shenkar's  External Studies. In between I learned the world of user experience through courses in Udemy, Coursera and a handful of tutorials on YouTube. Finally, I came to study UX-UI design at Create.

view my CV



I am looking for a place where I can evolve, learn, take part in a team, and contribute with my skills and abilities.